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Meet the Team


HEAL (Holistic Education & Adaptive Learning) FOUNDATION was formed in early 2019 with a vision to teach and enhance emotional literacy in students. Taking social emotional learning (SEL) as a foundation tool to this teaching-learning process, we customize and develop the finer aspects of SEL for the Indian school setup. Our social emotional learning lessons are not limited to routine blackboard and printed material, but we also incorporate alternate tools of teaching such as story telling, art, theatre and writing for the SEL implementation. 


Team HEAL is on a mission to propagate "Emotional Literacy" inside homes and schools so that it finally reaches the children and they navigate the world inside and outside them seamlessly. HEAL envisions to shape individuals who can identify their own core emotions, their thoughts and values while also understanding how these influence their behaviour inside homes and with society. While its imperative to teach students the social and emotional skills, it is crucial that parents and teachers also merge these skills into daily lives so that children find good social-emotional behaviour models in them to further emulate. Through the various HEAL SEL programs, we equip the parents, children and teachers with social - emotional skills to recognise, accept and manage their daily emotions as well as emotions of other beings around. 

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