Educator: “What are some professions you wouldn’t want to choose?”
Students gave several answers, but one answer hit me hard. A student said : ‘”A housewife…..”It made me think why one of most important jobs in the world is so underrated.
I am not against career ambitions, financial independence and freedom for women to do what they wish to. It is about the kind of perceptions we are giving our children about the person taking care of home and family (a homemaker).
To take care of home and family involves,
1). Nurturing the family
2). Healthy and Tasty food for all
3). Regular home maintenance
4). Maintaining and keeping things in place for ease and the list can go on....
Each of these is a billion dollar industry in by itself (Mental health, Food and Nutrition, Home Maintenance…) and we are ready to pay hell lot of money for these services.
As humans, we long for someone who thinks about us more than us, who welcome us with a smile, just sits and listens to us when we come home, cook us our favorite meal with love , and the list goes on and on …
Keeping the home warm , requires a lot of time and energy which is extremely crucial for the family’s overall well-being. But then why is it so difficult for the family to be grateful and give the respect and affection to the person who does all the work every single day with so much of love and dedication.
Unfortunately, we take them for granted.
If you agree with me on this, I would request you follow few things.
1). Elders , other than the home maker need to talk with children and make them understand what it takes to make a home. A lot more is involved here other than money. Teach them to respect the choice someone has made to make a home where they could have done lots of other things or is already doing others things along with this.
2). Appreciate the homemaker once in a while. They also have a need to feel gratified and respected. Make them feel that their efforts are worthy. Else sooner we will have industry of Family Maintenance!
3). Let children be part of a home making process as they will need to build their own home.
There is a lot unsaid about homemakers. Let’s celebrate them tooo…..
Article written by Chaithali Shroff, Co-Founder,Holistic Education & Adaptive Learning (HEAL) Foundation.