In our previous blog (, we talked about "What" and "Why" of Mindvoice and MyVoice. Many people asked us "How" of these two voices.
How do we differentiate between these two voices?
Self-awareness is the key to differentiate between these two voices. Let us take a simple example to understand the difference between these two voices.
Most of us go through this struggle of how to make our children responsible for their own homework and studies. They do not complete their homework unless we sit with them or keep reminding them. Let's see how these two voices play in our mind?
Mindvoice: "I need to make sure my child completes their homework. It is my responsibility."
Myvoice: "They need to be responsible for their homework and studies. How long can I go behind them to finish? When will they learn?"
Mindvoice: "How can they go without doing homework? What will teacher say? Let me just sit with them and get it done."
Myvoice: "It is up to me to make them responsible. If they do not do it, let them face consequences. They will learn from the experience"
Which voice is louder, dominating and drives our action? Mindvoice!!! Most of the times.
As I mentioned in previous blog, Mindvoice comes from our belief system based on the past experiences and may not be relevant to the current times or situations. It makes us feel safe and comfortable because we are familiar with it. It is inflexible and predefined. It is the biggest bottleneck to bring any change in life.
Myvoice comes from our conscious self - unbiased and non-judgmental. It makes us feel bit uncomfortable because it is outside of our belief system. It is not as loud as Mindvoice.
We are familiar with "conflict within us", which is nothing but the battle between Myvoice and Mindvoice.
With simple and regular practice, we can identify and differentiate both these voices,
Let us observe our thoughts for at least 15 minutes everyday. Just observe and do not engage with thoughts. Let them come and go. Build awareness.
Let us write down our thoughts about a situation or behavior we want to change. Identify and name them as Mindvoice or Myvoice. Mindfully decide which one to follow.
Make Myvoice louder and stronger by writing it or saying it again and again to our minds. Choose to act based on Myvoice. This is the only way to bring in any change in life, by rewiring the mind. Learning…Unlearning…Relearning..
TAKE A PAUSE AND LISTEN TO YOURSELF, to differentiate between Mindvoice and Myvoice
Post written by Chaitali Shroff, Co-founder, Holistic Education and Adaptive Learning(HEAL) Foundation